The Coaching Network – Case study

Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Partnership – The Coaching Network We provide a coaching service accessible to all staff across the organisation, with upwards of 20 qualified internal coaches from a range of backgrounds and roles across the Trust. They provide professional, non-directive and confidential coaching support.    Introduction In order to support the organisational leadership strategy we have developed a coaching network and we now have qualified coaches available to offer coaching

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Mentorship in Healthcare Settings – Case Study

The professional context – Mentorship in Healthcare Settings Staffordshire University School of Nursing and Midwifery offers a professionally based mentorship module – Mentorship in Healthcare Settings.  This highly focused qualification is a professional requirement for any healthcare practitioner whose role involves them in providing mentorship to healthcare students in a practice environment – this could be in a hospital, GP practice, nursing home or other healthcare setting. Who is it

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Specialist Mental Health Mentor – Case Study

Specialist Mental Health Mentor – Noreen Wainwright I am a specialist mentor at Staffordshire University, I have been in the role for the last five years, having originally trained as a psychiatric nurse.  I work with and support students with a range of mental health issues and I see a variety of students who want to use their time with me – usually 1 or 2 hours a week –

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