Fantastic Opportunity for FREE Coach Training

Thanks to the generosity of West Midlands Employers Coaching and Mentoring Network and Staffordshire County Council three places have been made available FREE to charity or social enterprise organisation staff. The courses normally cost over £1200.

The Course starts very shortly; 22nd October 2018 and will require anyone taking up this fantastic offer to be available to attend full day training on 22nd and 23rd October, 20th November, 3rd December and the 18th December 2018.

Participants will have to also view some webinars recorded as part of the series of training days and commit to undertake some 6-8 hours of coaching practice to cement the learning.

A course venue has yet to conformed but may be in Birmingham. Participants would have to make and pay for their own travel arrangements.

The course will be a full training course of ILM Level 5 standard. Unfortunately participants will not receive accreditation by ILM but the skills acquired can be applied none-the-less.

Anyone interested needs to act fast and contact Keith Smy on 07757668689 or at [email protected].