SCMH delivering Coaching Training for the ACE funded Create Place Leadership Programme

Create Place is a leadership programme focussing on mid-career creative and cultural professionals. This leadership programme focusses on place-making for both heritage & arts organisations in North Staffordshire and Cheshire East. Important terms in its cultural approach are co-creation, co-production and co-curation. The programme will pay attention to the socio-economic contexts of second-order cities, including their usually rurally dispersed communities, and their need to attend to locality-specific, narrative-rich partnership work

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Coaching for Success Update

More than a dozen introductory workshops for potential coaches and coachees have now been completed in and around the Staffordshire University campus at Stoke. The project will now move on to attempt to match volunteer coaches with staff looking for coaching support. Jaki Hopkins, the project co-ordinator, has assured people who were unable to attend the first round of workshops that there will be regular opportunities for the next few

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Last DRIVER Programme Workshop

The DRIVER Programme is a partnership project has been committed to improving achievement and retention for level 4 students admitted in 2017/18 who have a BTEC background and previously studied at Stoke-on-Trent College. Funded by the Office for Students, Staffordshire University have developed a number of interventions that have benefitted staff and students alike. One of the initiatives was the coaching skills development series of workshops run in conjunction with

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Coaching for success – Research focussed academics pilot launched

Thanks to access to funding from central government, an exciting opportunity to assist those staff who are engaged in research activity; particularly those successfully engaging external sponsors, has been launched this month. Part of the funding will be used to develop specific coaching and mentoring support for REF2021 Researchers. Jacqueline Hopkins, HR Business Partner, and Keith Smy, Hub Project Manager, will develop training and communication materials, host workshops and other

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West Midlands Coaching and Mentoring Conference 2018 is OPEN FOR BOOKINGS:

West Midlands Coaching and Mentoring Conference 2018 is OPEN FOR BOOKINGS: It’s a whole new world – or is it? Embracing the future with Coaching and Mentoring Monday 10th December 2018, Birmingham Conference and Events Centre With a great line up of speakers, this year’s conference gives us the chance to reflect on the importance of the values we hold close, looking to understand their influence on us and others

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Fantastic Opportunity for FREE Coach Training

Thanks to the generosity of West Midlands Employers Coaching and Mentoring Network and Staffordshire County Council three places have been made available FREE to charity or social enterprise organisation staff. The courses normally cost over £1200. The Course starts very shortly; 22nd October 2018 and will require anyone taking up this fantastic offer to be available to attend full day training on 22nd and 23rd October, 20th November, 3rd December

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Professional Support Staff CPD Event Feedback

The CPD Event for Professional Support Staff held on 19th September has received some encouraging and positive feedback with attendees stating that the content ‘Will be fantastic for this to be done with Personal Tutors‘ and saying that the ‘Session was really useful. Appreciated the opportunity to practise new skills.‘ Alison Xu project Leader for the University’s DRIVER Programme said ‘The event will be run again due to demand. The

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Coaching skills CPD opportunities

A series of CPD opportunities for Professional Support Staff and Personal Tutors offered by Staffordshire University’s DRIVER Project starts this month. Organised by Alison Xu DRIVER Project Manager and delivered by Visiting Fellow Keith Smy, the sessions will include presentations on coaching and mentoring techniques and offer opportunities for attendees to practice them through role play scenarios. The sessions will be advertised on the events list.

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Staffordshire Chamber of Commerce “Let’s Do Mentoring” Report

Mentoring for Growth is a strategic three year business development programme delivered by Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce, funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Stoke-on-Trent City Council and Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce. The latest Report on the initiative concluded that Mentoring for Growth has supported the strategic aims of the Stoke and Staffordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) not only through the business support it has provided, but also by

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New Project Manager for the Hub

Keith Smy has been appointed as the new Project manager for the Staffordshire Coaching and Mentoring Hub replacing Louise Rutherford. Keith who operates his own Coaching and Consultancy business and who is a Visiting Fellow with the University has offered to manage the Hub voluntarily. ” Louise did a great job in creating a good foundation from the launch and now I’m looking forward to helping realise the potential of

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